Pentagon-Hexagon-Zig-Zag (PHiZZ) Units
The PHiZZ unit was invented by Thomas Hull and presented in his lovely
book, Project Origami. I was introduced to PHiZZ constructions during a very
nice talk at the 2007 MAA meetings at San Jose State University.
A PHiZZ unit and a vertex
Vertex = three interlocked PHiZZ units
Edge = one PHiZZ unit
Instructions on how to make PHiZZ units and form them into vertices.
Some modular origami figures made from PHiZZ units
Basic Dodecahedron
- 12 pentagonal faces
- 20 vertices
- 30 edges
Soccer Ball
- 12 pentagonal + 20 hexagonal = 32 faces
- 60 vertices
- 90 edges
- 8 pentagonal + 8 heptagonal + 48 hexagonal = 64 faces
- 128 vertices
- 192 edges