Gregg Waterman
Department of Mathematics
Oregon Institute of Technology
Open Resource Mathematics Textbooks
I have written open resource textbooks for the six courses listed below. Writing such a text is an evolutionary process, and these are all in different states in their development. I would characterize the first three as being fairly complete, the last three somewhat less so. I have web pages for the first three that link to videos and other resources, along with modest banks of test questions. An obvious "package" for a course could include
- a textbook
- instructor notes
- bank of exam questions
- videos
- a Webwork or MyOpenMath problem bank
Although I dream of putting such packages together, that may never happen (unless some of you who are reading this would like to collaborate with me!). My own teaching is currently moving toward an active learning approach, with students working in groups of four. Most of my efforts have been focused on making corrections and revisions to the books I have, and developing activities for in-class group learning. I would like to package such activities in the future, and that is a higher priority than some of the above things.
Please click on the link of any course below to get a general description of my open textbook and ancillary materials, as well as a link to the actual text.
to Gregg's homepage

All written materials are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Licenses.