Spring 2019 Math 407 Schedule


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Room: OW 217
Topic: Introduction
Read: The syllabus and ISL Ch. 1 and 2.1
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: Review of Probability and Random Variables
Read: ISL 2.2
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: Review of Expectation, Variance and SD
Read: ISL 2.2
Class Notes
Room: BH 126
Topic: Intro to R/Python with Jupyter
Opening Jupyter
R version of HW1
Python version of HW1
Room: OW 217
Topic: Notation for reality and our model
Read: ISL Ch. 2.2
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: Bias-Variance Decomposition
Read: ISL 2.2
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: Linear Regression, kNN, Bias-Variance Decomposition` `
Read: ISL 2.2
Class Notes
Room: BH 126
Topic: Linear Regression
R version of HW2
Python version of HW2
Room: OW 217
Topic: Training a Linear Regression Model
Read: ISL Ch. 3
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: Training a Logistic Regression Model
Read: ISL 4
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: LDA, QDA and kNN for classification` `
Read: ISL 4
Class Slides
Class Notes
Room: BH 126
Topic: Training Models
R version of HW3
Python version of HW3
Room: OW 217
Topic: Selecting and assessing a model
Read: ISL 5
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: Example of Model Selection and Assessment
Read: ISL 5
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: TBA `
Room: BH 126
Topic: the lab is open but dr. O is away
Room: OW 217
Topic: Ridge Regression
Read: ISL 6
Class Notes
More Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: Comparison of Linear models with kNN, p close to n
Read: ISL 6
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: LASSO and the shooting algorithm `
Read: ISL 6
Class Notes
Room: BH 126
Topic: Model Comparisons
R version of HW4
Python version of HW4
Room: OW 217
Topic: Penalized Regression and Splines
Read: ISL 7
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: Review for Midterm
Read: Practice Midterms in Blackboard
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: Midterm `
Room: BH 126
Topic: HW 4 from last week
Room: OW 217
Topic: Generalized Linear Models
Read: ISL 7
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: Generalized Linear Models
Read: ISL 7
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: Decision Trees and Random Forests
Read: ISL 8
Class Notes `
Room: BH 126
Topic: Decision Trees, Random Forests and Splines
R version of HW5
Python version of HW5
Room: OW 217
Topic: Support Vector Machines.
Read: ISL 9
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: Unsuperivsed Learning: Clustering via. K-means
Read: ISL 10
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: Dimension Reduction via PCA
Read: ISL 10
Class Notes `
Room: BH 126
Topic: SVM and Unsupervised Learning
R version of HW6
Python version of HW6
Topic: Holiday!
Room: OW 217
Topic: Introduction to Neural Networks
Read: ISL 10
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: Training Neural Nets and Ensemble Learning
Read: ESLII 8.7, 8.8, 10
Class Notes `
Room: BH 126
Topic: Neural Nets and Emsemble Learning
R version of HW7
Python version of HW7
Room: OW 217
Topic: Review: question translate, data cleaning
Class Notes

math 361 surveys

Room: OW 217
Topic: Review: understanding a dataset
Class Notes
Room: OW 217
Topic: Review: training, choosing, assessing and reporting a model
Class Notes `
Room: BH 126
Topic: Review: methods table and practice final